October 25, 2000

Deborah A. Schumann
Metro District
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194

 RE: Review of the Draft Issuance NPDES/SDS Permit
Application No. MN 0065404 Light-Rail Transit South Portal
Construction and Related Airport Expansion Dewatering Projects

Dear Ms Shumann:

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Issuance of the NPDES/SDS Permit Application No. MN 0065404 Light Rail Transit South Portal Construction and Related Airport Expansion Dewaterting Projects. The above referenced draft NPDES/SDS permit is a general, five year permit under which all dewatering projects associated with the MAC airport expansion project construction could eventually be covered. The present form of the draft permit specifically addresses only the discharge of impacted groundwater associated with construction of the South Portal of the LRT corridor through the Minneapolis /St. Paul Airport property (Figure 1). However, the draft permit allows for "minor modification to authorize additional pump-out sites as part of the MAC expansion project". Therefore, this permit could potentially cover any and all construction projects associated with the MAC expansion project over the next five years. There is currently no mechanism through which the MCWD might review or comment on any such modifications.

According to the MAC engineer, there is currently only one MAC storm sewer outfall located within MCWD jurisdiction, Mother Lake outfall 010. Deborah Schumann of the MPCA and MAC engineers both agree that discharge to that outfall is not covered under this permit and would not be covered under any modifications to the permit. Deborah indicated that the effluent limitations set forth in this permit are too high for discharge to Mother Lake and were
intended to regulate discharge to the Minnesota River only.  

To eliminate any ambiguity we recommend that a statement be added to explicitly mandate that the effluent limitations of this permit were established to cover discharges to the Minnesota River only and that there will be no discharge allowed to Mother Lake under this permit.

1. LRT South Portal Under this permit, groundwater extracted during construction of the LRT South Portal will be discharged to the TMDL-listed Minnesota River via MAC storm sewer outfall 040 which is located just outside MCWD jurisdiction, within the jurisdiction of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District. The
MAC engineer has assured us that they intend to install an air stripper prior to the start of the project to treat the groundwater discharged at outfall 040.

2. Quality and Quantity of Discharged Ground Water Though "This permit does not authorize MAC to appropriate ground water or to work in the water table." the flexibility of the NPDES/ SDS permit conditions and MCWD Rule N necessitate some discussion of the effect of dewatering on surface water features. The effects
of the dewatering associated with LRT construction on surrounding surface hydrology have been studied and discussed by several consultants for both the MCWD and MAC. Several of the issues associated with this project are discussed in the Emmons & Olivier comments on the draft DNR ground water appropriations
permit. The planned construction will occur outside the jet grouted boundary put in place to reduce dewatering effects of the Runway 17-35 Vehicular Tunnel. According to Emmons & Olivier and Kelton Barr Consulting, the planned dewatering may affect surface water features located within MCWD jurisdiction including Camp Cold Water Springs and surrounding lakes.

To address any potential effects of dewatering on surface water features within MCWD jurisdiction, MCWD requests that the NPDES permit conditions include the expansion of The Highway 17-35 Vehicular Tunnel Construction Dewatering Monitoring and Mitigation Plan to include all work done under the scope of this
permit. MCWD also requests the following change to the permit text:

Requested addition to Page 3 Paragraph 5 is indicated in bold print: "This permit allows for minor modification to authorize additional pump-out sites as part of the MAC expansion project. At least forty-five calendar days prior to commencement of discharge to the MAC storm sewer system, the Permittee shall provide the MPCA and MCWD with the information necessary to evaluate the additional waste stream."

Further, the MCWD would like access to all information necessary to evaluate the impacts of the proposed modification and would also like the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed modification prior to MCPA approval of the modification.

Please feel free to contact me at 612-471-0590 should you have any questions.



L Eric Evenson, District Administrator

cc: Chuck Holtman, Smith Parker
Mike Panzer, Wenck
Kelton Barr, KBC