* Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Meeting
Last night the MCWD voted to rescind their engineer's letter of 11/6 to the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District recommending MnDOT Alternative 1 over 2 & 3. They did this once we pointed out that all three alternatives will impact the quantity and quality of water flowing to and from Coldwater Spring and how this is inconsistent with their past and present positions and specifically their 9/29/0 Resolution to Protect Coldwater Spring. Instead they sent a Board letter to the LMRWD rejecting all three alternatives and requesting another alternative plan from MnDOT that did not impact the spring. Once again, they are to be commended for staying on track with the Spring and doing the right thing. We need your support on Wednesday at the LMRWD meeting.

* Mayor Sharon Sales Belton's Support for Coldwater Spring
We also took advantage of an opportunity last night to speak with the Mayor to request her long-awaited letter of support for no impact to Coldwater Spring. We emailed Ron Thaniel this am with the specifics explaining that we need their letter of strong support before next Wednesday's Lower Minnesota River Watershed District meeting. Please call her at 612-673-2100 Email: mayor@ci.minneapolis.mn.us - Tell her not to compromise the cultural or natural resources of Historic Camp Coldwater and to write a strong letter in support of the Spring.

* Lower Minnesota River Watershed District Meeting, Wednesday 11/15 @ 7:00 in Shakopee
The LMRWD will meet to decide the fate of Coldwater Spring as they determine whether to accept MnDOT's alternatives to impact the quality and quantity of water flowing to and from historic Coldwater Spring. We need your presence for this most important meeting.
District Meeting - 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 pm at Scott County Court House, County Board Room, 200 Fourth Ave. West (Fourth Ave. West & Fuller Street), Shakopee, MN 55339