This bill is now titled 2049. It has passed and is awaiting the Governors signature.

The bill includes the meets and bounds of the Coldwater area, not the 27.3 acres of the Bureau of Mines area. This was done to cite the upcoming change in the historic district, as will be done by the State Historic Preservation Office, and then submitted to the Federal Government.
The main reason for that is to use state laws that will require oversight protection for any future construction in the area.

It will restore the Ft. Snelling Historic District back to its full size, plus include The Coldwater Spring. It was shrunk to make room for Highway 55 when it was still planned on becoming a 10-lane freeway.

If you look at the map, the area in pink is where the Ft. Snelling Historic district used to be. The blue line is where they shrunk it back to. Yellow is the Bureau of Mines land.
In the close-up map of the Bureau of Mines land, you will see the pink boundary to be restored, plus a green section around the spring. This will be added because there was no significant construction in that area to degrade the lands "integrity" so it can be included in the historic district. This addition will, if the bill passes, require state oversight and review for any alterations on construction in the historic district.

The full text of the bill is:

1.1 A bill for an act

1.2 relating to historic preservation; recognizing and

1.3 extending the protection of the Minnesota Historic

1.4 Sites Act and the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act to

1.5 historic Camp Coldwater Springs; amending Minnesota

1.6 Statutes 2000, section 138.73, subdivision 13.



1.9 Neither the state, nor a unit of metropolitan government,

1.10 nor a political subdivision of the state may take any action

1.11 that may diminish the flow of water to or from Camp Coldwater

1.12 Springs. All projects must be reviewed under the Minnesota

1.13 Historic Sites Act and the Minnesota Field Archaeology Act with

1.14 regard to the flow of water to or from Camp Coldwater Springs.

1.15 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 138.73,

1.16 subdivision 13, is amended to read:

1.17 Subd. 13. Old Fort Snelling historic district in Hennepin

1.18 county is located within the following boundaries: beginning at

1.19 the intersection of the westerly Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul

1.20 and Pacific Railroad (abandoned) right-of-way and the south

1.21 boundary of Minnehaha state park extended (which is an extension

1.22 of East 55th Street, Minneapolis); thence east along the

1.23 extension of East 55th Street to the easterly county line of

1.24 Hennepin county (center line of Mississippi river); thence

1.25 southerly and easterly along said county line to the point of

1.26 intersection of Hennepin, Ramsey and Dakota counties; thence

2.1 easterly along the Ramsey-Dakota common boundary to intersection

2.2 with the easterly line of Government Lot No. 2, Section 28,

2.3 Township 28, north, range 23, west Dakota county; thence south

2.4 on east line of said Government Lot No. 2, to intersection with

2.5 the east-west quarter line of said Section 28; thence westerly

2.6 on said east-west quarter line to the intersection with the

2.7 easterly right-of-way line of Minnesota state highway No. 5;

2.8 thence southerly on said right-of-way line to intersect with the

2.9 metropolitan airports commission boundary line extended; thence

2.10 northwesterly along last described boundary line to intersection

2.11 with a line parallel to Old Trunk Highway 100 (Bloomington Road)

2.12 and 600 feet northwesterly thereof, measured on a line

2.13 perpendicular to said highway; thence northeasterly on last

2.14 described parallel line to intersect with the northerly

2.15 right-of-way line of state highway No. 55; thence westerly on

2.16 said right-of-way line to intersect with the westerly

2.17 right-of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and

2.18 Pacific Railroad (abandoned); thence northerly on last described

2.19 right-of-way line to the point of the beginning and there

2.20 terminating. The tract herein described contains 580 acres more

2.21 or less. This district aligns with the boundaries of the Fort

2.22 Snelling Historic District in the National Register of Historic

2.23 Places, as the description of that district is amended from time

2.24 to time.

2.25 Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE DATE.]

2.26 This act is effective the day following final enactment.

A common question is what will it do to the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit line?

The land that the bill would protect does not cover any land that
the Light Rail will run across, so it will have no effect.

It does include the spring and the flow to it though, but this will only come into effect if someone starts a project that will divert water flow. If a project does not divert water flow, this bill will have no effect.

This bill will effect whoever owns the property, and lays out a set of laws to follow on how to treat the land, much more so than a Memorandum of Agreement can, as this bill would be backed by the State of Minnesota.

Please call the Governor, 651-296-3392 and ask him to support this bill!