Wednesday 5/15/2001 Governor Jesse Ventura signed SF2049 into law! He
initially has red flagged it thinking the bill is not strong enough
(he wants even more protection?)! Then the best part, here's the law, it's very clear on this; 1.7 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 1.8
Section 1. [PROTECTION OF NATURAL FLOW.] Thanks to all who have worked so hard for this, it's been many years in the making...From the legislators to the citizens to the Governor, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Our other bill, Rep. Margaret Kelliher's HF 2187 (SF 2170 authored by Sen. Julie Sabo) has passed the House as part of the Omnibus Environmental bill HF 766. This bill still needs to get passed on the floor of the Senate. Thanks
to all who have worked so hard for this, it's been many years in the
making...From the legislators to the citizens to the Governor, There were many people who tirelessly work at the capitol to help ensure the passing and then signature by The Governor of the bill to protect Camp Coldwater. The Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition would like to thank Lisa Berger, Jeanne Hollingsworth, Susu Jeffery and Mary Weitz for the efforts that they put forward in St. Paul. |