Please call or write Senator Julie Sabo and ask her to lead the fight to stop the repeal of the Coldwater law.

In at least 5 prior written agreements or official public statements over a three year period, MnDOT has agreed to have no impact or ELIMINATE any impact to Coldwater Spring before any law had been written. MnDOT is now however trying to repeal the law that is forcing them to keep their word.

MnDOT has come up with arguments like it would stop LRT construction for a year if they keep their word. This is entirely false.

Please go to
to read the timeline of MnDOT's position, and call or write Julie Sabo and ask she lead the fight to stop the repeal of the law that protects Coldwater Spring!

Thank You!!

(651) 296-4274 Sabo, Julie A.