Susu's notes from the Watershed District meeting 5/25/00
Ron Harnack, executive director
of the MN Board of Water & Soil Resources, came to the meeting to explain
the board's decision to reject MCWD's petition to annex Camp Coldwater.
The room was rigid with anger. Harnack has been at BWSR 10 years, before
that at DNR. A career state administrator, he apparently expected a we-all-have-to-get-along
attitude. Harnack said BWSR's decision was based on the hearing, especially
land ownership (the suits and military uniforms). His message was let's-all-work-together. Malcolm Reid: "You made the
wrong decision." Eric Evenson: "This doesn't
smell right." BWSR-MCWD are in a "strained relationship." RH: have to rebuild faith
& trust--MCWD "you are our shinning star"--let's all move forward cooperatively--"there's
going to be 20 more years of construction in this area" around the airport Other points Harnack made: Pam Blixt: "The DNR told us
they had no such authority." Jim Calkins:"Once a problem
shows up, it's too late. You are assuming you can fix the spring." RH: "As things come up, things
can be adjusted." (no kidding, he really said that) |