Today was a beautiful day for ceremony! 75 and Sunny.

It was a day, as Chris Leith said, "all four colours of people came together" He continued with the idea saying that "when we all come together like this in peace, there will be no room for the racists". That is the best way to sum up the afternoon.

From the Spiritual singer Mary Harris, to the throat chants of the monks, from the pipe and water ceremonies and prayers of the Dakota & Anishanabe to the blessings from Rev Beale, everyone accepted each other in peace. The way the world is supposed to be.....Thanks to all who came to make it a reality!!! Many said they would like to return often to do this again. It is our sincere hope that you all do!

Monday May 14th at 12 noon,
at the Coldwater Spring will be multiple Ceremonies.

MANY TRIBES, ONE PEOPLE Gather to Pray & Bless Coldwater Spring
Monday, May 14, 2001 - 12:00 NOON

Chris Leith - Dakota Spiritual Elder Dakota Pipe Ceremony

Ven. Gankar Tulku Rinpoche - Chair & Spiritual Director Gyuto Wheel of Dharma Monastery

Rev. Doctor Kenneth Beale Jr. - Chaplain, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

Anishinabe Midewiwin Water Ceremony - Sharon Day

Mari Harris - Spiritual Singer

These are open to all, and all are welcome to attend!

Directions to
Coldwater Spring