Visioning a Sustainable Future for Camp Coldwater
Sharing the Story of the Land: Sustaining the Future of Coldwater

Sunday, March 3, 2002
12 pm- 5pm
Division of Indian Work Building, Dakotah Lodge Room
1001 East Lake Street, Minneapolis

Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition invites friends to join together to build
a vision for Camp Coldwater and
Coldwater Springs that protects and preserves the land while sharing its

Help create the future for Camp Coldwater and Coldwater Springs. . .

Our purpose is to:
*Bring together folks interested in finding out new information about the
campaign to protect Coldwater Springs;
*Help create a vision for the land and water; and
*Design a project that tells the story of the land, people and animals of
Camp Coldwater.

Sponsored by the Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition and Rethinking Tourism

Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition is a community-based, advocacy group whose
mission is to preserve and protect the natural resources and restore the
cultural integrity of the Camp Coldwater area and to acquaint all people
with the historic Birthplace of Minnesota. Rethinking Tourism Project is an
Indigenous Peoples organization working to protect and preserve lands and

Partial funding is provided by the Environmental Support Center, a
Washington DC based organization providing funding for grassroots,
environmental justice organizations. For more information about this
meeting, please call the Rethinking Tourism Project at 651-644-9984 or

What is your vision for Camp Coldwater and Coldwater Springs?
We would appreciate your completing the questions below. These questions
will be discussed at the Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition Visioning meeting
on March 3, 2002 with a follow up on March 4, 2002. If you will not be able
to attend the meetings, please respond previous to March 3rd. You can mail,
fax or email the address below. Thanks for participating!

1. Please list the most important reasons you are interested in the
future of Camp Coldwater.

Visualize Camp Coldwater five years from now.

2. What would you like to see there?

Members of Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition are meeting with the Fish and
Wildlife Service (who may be occupying several of the buildings and managing
the land) about a possible collaboration. Several members have developed a
draft proposal for Coldwater which includes the following two components:

· An interpretive center to tell the multicultural history of the
region, educate about Native cultures in this region and create a place to
continue practicing and teaching Native traditions. The interpretive center
would be a place to tell the history of the land, animals and people. It
will also be a place to house artifacts, have workshops, and where elders
could gather to share their stories, teach Native languages and hold
ceremonies. Through this center we would organize guided tours of Camp
Coldwater and Coldwater Springs to lead visitors through the area.

· The second component would be cultural spirit camps to teach native
culture through experiential education. Camps to teach methods of sugaring,
fishing, drum-making and beading would be established. These camps would
focus on telling both the history and present of Native peoples living in
this region. Local Native Americans would be employed to demonstrate their
skills in each of these areas and to lead tours educating people of the
significance of the site.

3. Do you support the idea of an interpretive center?

4. If so, what kind of information would you like to have in the

5. Do you support classes or educational tours of the area?

6. Do you support the use of Coldwater for Cultural Spirit Camps?

7. Do you have any other ideas for the area?

8. Do you know of any organizations or individuals whom we should
contact to be involved in this effort?

9. Do you want to participate more actively in the visioning of Camp

This information is optional:
Name: Phone:

Sponsored by the Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition
( and Rethinking Tourism Project

**Please send to Rethinking Tourism Project, 366 N. Prior Ave, Ste 203, St.
Paul, MN 55104, Ph: 651-644-9984, Fx: 651-644-9984,