THIS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2001 3:00 TO 5:00 PM AT THE MAYDAY CAFÉ, 3440 BLOOMINGTON AVE SO. (35th and Bloomington) WE ARE SENDING OUT A FUNDRAISING LETTER TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR COLDWATER NATION, (working title) THE DOCUMENTARY-IN-PROGRESS ABOUT THE EFFORTS TO STOP THE RE-ROUTE OF HIGHWAY 55 AND TO PRESERVE COLDWATER SPRING BRING YOUR ADDRESS BOOKS! (or names of potential contributors) We are sending a fundraising letter to our friends and supporters to help finance remaining production costs for the documentary we've been making that tells the story of the land, the forces that combined to destroy it and the people who came together to protect it. Please join us for any amount of time -- ten minutes or two hours -- to help address, stuff, stamp and send our letter to potential contributors. We'll be sending this appeal to mailing lists that we have targeted and to the names that you provide. So bring your address book to help connect us with your 50 closest personal friends who may be able and willing to help cover the costs for crew, equipment, videotape, performers, locations, insurance, food, and all the other expenses that go along with making a film! The project is going great – the film is beginning to take shape. The structure and the storytelling are emerging and the process has been both gratifying and affirming. We've just finished three great weekends of shooting interviews
and images for this film. The weather was beautiful. People have been
extremely generous with their time and information. The stories have
been powerful and inspiring. And we've had a tremendous amount of project
support from a number of individuals in many ways, such as: Now, we're asking you to join us for a cup of tea and we'll tell you more about the project. Lend your hand to mail out a letter that asks for tax-deductible contributions to pay for the continuing expenses for this film. If you can't make it this Saturday but know people who may be interested in helping to finance this film, please call or e-mail us so we can contact them!