Constructing the liner under Hwy 55/62 interchange
This is the liner that isolates Hwy55/62 interchange from the Coldwater Spring watershed.
After it's proven success, it was the recipient of the 2006 Grand Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies.
For further information on what the layers are, click here.
Why the liner was necessary, click here
For information on the Coldwater Springs flow rates click here.
is the original water levels under the 55/62 interchange bridge. It is
the SAME water level as Camp Coldwater Spring. The storm sewers that
were to remove this water for the road, would also lower the
water levels at the spring at the same time. So the Road needed to be
isolated from the spring groundwater- the reason for the liner.
First step- temporary dewatering and prepareing the base for the liner
installing layer one
Installing layer 2
Place the layers straight
The seams were then welded together- 28,000 square yards of eight-layer synthetic liner, covering approximately six acres to protect the water flow to the spring.
Sand, clay and other layers help keep it water tight. The weight of the layers and the road will hold it all in place.
The completed liner- the road bed is isolated from the groundwater. The dewatering pumps were turned off, and full flow of water to the spring returned.
The road was then placed above the completed liner.